Hey guys, hope all is well. This is a place that makes it easy for you to discover and find the perfect drone you’re looking for. From big to small, to FPV, Photography, or Range, we’ve got here for you to choose from.


Hey RC fanatics, my name is Joshua Levac, and I’m probably just like YOU. I come from a long history of loving all RC vehicles from Drones, to Cars, Trucks, Airplanes, and anything else you could even think of. From the time I could talk, I’ve been obssesed anything with and engine, wheels, or that has a remote. We can probably all see how much the RC industry has evolved, especially in the last decade or so, with range, precision, and tons of new features being added all the time to these machines.


BUT, one thing I’ve allways struggled (even with the internet), is finding these RC vehicles. I simply didn’t know what was legit, good quality, or worth the price. It allways seemed to be a hassle finding the right drone or RC car. I’d spend hours looking on dozens of different websites like Amazon, eBay, Dronerush, and Rakuten (just to name a few).

So here I was, just thinking – WHY is it so HARD to find the right RC vehicle ONLINE? Shouldn’t it be easy now that we have this access? There just wasn’t a good website that would find the Top RC Vehicle maneufactereus and group up their best work to show YOU. So I got to work, I did it myself.


Here at Air Tech, our objective and goal, is make it simpler for YOU to find the best RC Drones that fit your need and wants, and fits that discription you had in your head in several different price ranges to meet your most important aspect of a GREAT drone.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out. Just let me know here at;


All the best,

Joshua Levac – air-sport.org